Vol. 2, No. 1* ISSN: 1832-8342


Report of best practice: Development of ethics manual as an integral component of undergraduate curriculum and application for graduates and practitioners  1-13
Lyndall Annette Angel and Maree Donna Simpson of Charles Sturt University, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper
Applying authentic learning to social science: A learning design for an inter-disciplinary sociology subject  14-24
Fiona Borthwick, Sue Bennett, Gerry Lefoe, Elaine Huber, from University of Wollongong, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper
Delivering on the e-learning promise: A case for a learning environment that enables collaborative online problem solving (COPS)  25-36
Sylvia Lauretta Edwards, Jason Watson, Ann Farrell, Robyn Nash, from Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper
An academic integrity approach to learning and assessment design  37-51
Margaret Hamilton and Joan Richardson of RMIT University, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper
Designed and user-generated activity in the mobile age  52-65
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, The Open University, UK; John Traxler, University of Wolverhampton, UK; John Pettit, The Open University, UK
Abstract  Full Paper
Designing for reflective practice in legal education  66-76
Judith McNamara and Rachael Field, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper
Reflexive practice: To enhance student learning  77-91
Joanne Roebuck, James Cook University, Australia
Abstract  Full Paper

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