Vol. 3, No. 1* ISSN: 1832-8342


Experiential placements: Dissemination and stakeholder engagement for curriculum planning action to prepare future pharmacy professionals  1-10
Susanne Owen and Ieva Stupans of University of South Australia, AUSTRALIA
Abstract  Full Paper
Sharing the journey of facilitator and learner: Online pedagogy in practice  11-20
Shirley Reushle of University of Southern Queensland, AUSTRALIA, and Maxine Mitchell of University of the Sunshine Coast, AUSTRALIA
Abstract  Full Paper
Designing ready to deliver Units of Learning: A case study  21-33
Marcello Maina of Télé-université, Member of LORNET project Open University of Catalonia, SPAIN
Abstract  Full Paper
Reframing narrative cases for ill-structured contexts: The design with learners in mind  34-40
Ching-Huei Chen of National Changhua University of Education, TAIWAN R.O.C.
Abstract  Full Paper
Engaged service learning – implications for higher education  41-56
Tony Webb and Shelley Burgin of University of Western Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Abstract  Full Paper
Problem Based Learning: Does it provide appropriate levels of guidance and flexibility for use in police recruit education?  57-67
Brett Shipton of Charles Sturt University, AUSTRALIA
Abstract  Full Paper

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